What is Market Mindfully? What experience do you have?

Market Mindfully aims to empower purpose-driven business owners to take action on their marketing activities.

To learn more about Lana Weal + Market Mindfully, read our About Page or connect with Lana on LinkedIn.

Where can I go to learn about SEO?

There’s lots of information online about how to improve your SEO performance. There’s lots of information online about how to improve your SEO performance. The main thing to know is that 1) you need to consistently create great content that your audience wants + 2) you need to ensure your website operates the way it’s supposed to (your customers can purchase your products or services in an easy way + find out more about you + your expertise. 

 At Market Mindfully, I run Marketing + SEO Workshops to share knowledge about SEO. I also offer Marketing + SEO Coaching for those who want accountability to improve their SEO for the long term.

  • If you want to learn for yourself online, go directly to Moz. Moz has a complete Beginner’s Guide to SEO which gives the reader a clear overview SEO over eight chapters. Moz’s Whiteboard Friday provide deep-dives into different areas of SEO.  

  • If you’d like more in-depth content + multi-week online courses, go to Kate Toon’s Recipe for SEO Success.

  • If you’d like to learn about all areas of digital marketing, go to Harvey’s Academy.

  • If you’re looking to answer a quick question about SEO, Google it.

  • If you want something else, good luck + perhaps you could try to find a good SEO course on Udemy, Coursera, Teachable or a similar site.

How much does SEO cost? 

Charges for SEO range a lot. I’ve known different many options:

  • $30-$500 hourly rates for SEO consultants

  • $500 a month retainer for SEO activity, and

  • Up to $30,000 a month retainer for SEO + marketing strategy.

And remember, no one can 100% guarantee the performance of any marketing activity. 

SEO is a process of optimising on-page and off-page factors + takes time - usually months of consistent effort. SEO is a long term strategy + you need to be invested in spending the time to get the right advice, the effort to create engaging content + the commitment to make the required changes.

When you hire an SEO specialist, you’re paying for their time to perform data analysis, technical checks, sometimes content creation + make informed recommendations based on data.

Costs to marketers + SEO specialists are things like websites, analysis tools + other online tools.   

Market Mindfully operates like a freelancer or consultant with hourly rates for Marketing + SEO Coaching Sessions or Masterclasses + Workshops. Other digital marketing agencies, of which there are many amazing places around Melbourne and Australia, offer monthly retainer fees or project basis.

How can I work with you?

To find out how to work with Lana + Market Mindfully, read our Services Page. We provide 1-on-1 Coaching, educational Workshops, + if you’d like to chat more, book in a 15min Discovery Call.

  1. When you following the links above to book in with Market Mindfully, you’ll get to choose a session time that suits you.

  2. Once you book in a time through the Services above, you’ll be taken to a Google Form which will ask you questions about you + your business.

  3. Please share information that will help us to understand your business + your goals in that Google Form (which you receive after completing booking).

  4. Please be on time for the meeting + share any other relevant information.

I don’t have the budget. What should I do?

You can learn most things about marketing online. Do searches in Google + Youtube for things you’d like to learn or challenges you’d like to overcome.

If you’d still like to work with Lana + Market Mindfully but you don’t have the budget our services, book in for a 15min Discovery Call + we can discuss your alternative proposal. You will be asked to submit information in preparation for the call. Please share all relevant information + as much detail about your work or project proposal.

A portion of the work Market Mindfully undertakes is pro bono + we’re open to partnerships + suggestions of new ways of working.