Posts in Learning
The Importance of Taking Time to Reflect

Noticing the huge growth required by founders within the SheStarts and BlueChilli programs, here are some prompts and suggestions you can use which will help to reflect on a journey. At SheStarts, we used the ideas to help assimilate the many lessons and experiences within the accelerator program.

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LearningLana Weal
5 Lessons from the USA

Travelling to New York and San Francisco alongside the SheStarts 2 founders in 2018, we met with trailblazing women, investors and startups who are changing the way we live and work. Here I summarised the 5 top lessons we learned from women in tech and venture capital in the USA.

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Events, LearningLana Weal
5 Lessons on Going Global

As the SheStarts 2 cohort prepared for their flights to the USA, the Going Global Immersion theme gave the founders the chance to broaden their global vision and get in zone for their big trip – ready to meet some of the world’s most influential tech, startup, and investment leaders. Here are the top five lessons from those two days.

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LearningLana Weal
Girls in Tech – Catalyst 2018

The first Catalyst conference by the global movement for empowerment of girls and women in Tech “Girls in Tech” kicked off in Australia in 2018 with 300 founders, entrepreneurs, designers, coders and women in tech. Here are the top takeaways from the event.

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Events, LearningLana Weal