Market Mindfully

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The PESO Model of Marketing: Earned, Owned, Shared and Paid Media Channels

Marketing can be overly complicated too often

Simplifying and focusing on just one message on one channel can be really helpful. 

But check out this PESO Model, it’s clear there’s far more you *could* be doing. 

I love this PESO Marketing Model image from Gini Dietrich from Spin Sucks. It clearly shows that there’s more marketing you could be doing - but the big Q is, *should* you be doing something else? 

My speciality within marketing is SEO and what I like to call ‘organic’ or attraction marketing. I help founders figure out their strengths, what they should be talking about publicly, and who they should be partnering with to get more potential customers. So even though I work across the PESO channels, I lean towards the OWNED and SHARED channels. 

There’s fun ways to test different channels and messages. I usually recommend founders brainstorm ideas and then assess potential marketing tests or mini campaigns to test their assumptions about messaging, channels or other marketing ideas you might have.

  • 1. Test.

    • Test first. Set a hypothesis and run an experiment.

  • 2. Learn.

    • Make sure you reflect and consider the data and outcomes before committing to one marketing approach. 

  • 3. Iterate.

    • Make changes and updates to your activity. Learn lessons from what worked well and what didn’t.

Back at university within the intro course on marketing, we talked about the difference between owned, earned and paid media. But SHARED channels are huge opportunities for growth. 

So grateful to be able to share my knowledge with a bunch of different startup communities. In the past year, I've shared some of my marketing chops with founders through Remarkable Tech, Subak Australia, Archangel Ventures, Young Change Agents, Talking HealthTech and other founder groups.

I love simplifying marketing for startup founders - especially in the early days when you’re figuring out where you should be spending your time. 

Make sure you pay attention to where your marketing efforts are going! Make sure your energy, costs and efforts are all worth it.

Want to learn more about marketing?